Last Updated on February 5, 2025 by TrayKay
The following free world history PDF textbook resources for middle- and high-school learners can be downloaded or added to your Google drive.
Middle-School Textbooks:
Journey Across Time Textbook:
—Chapter 1: The First Civilizations
—Chapter 2: Ancient Egypt
—Chapter 3: Ancient Israelites
—Chapter 4: Ancient Greeks
—Chapter 5: Greek Civilization
—Chapter 6: Early India
—Chapter 7: Early China
—Chapter 8: The Rise of Rome
—Chapter 9: Roman Civilization
—Chapter 10: Rise of Christianity
—Chapter 11: Islamic Civilization
—Chapter 12: China in the Middle Ages
—Chapter 13: Medieval Africa
—Chapter 14: Medieval Japan
—Chapter 15: Medieval Europe
—Chapter 16: The Americas
—Chapter 17: Renaissance & Reformation
—Chapter 18: Enlightenment & Revolution
—Chapter 19: Industry & Nationalism
—Chapter 20: Imperialism & World War I
—Chapter 21: World War II & the Cold War
—Chapter 22: Building Today’s World
Journey Across Time Activity Workbook
Journey Across Time Printable Worksheets: with blank outlines, reading check questions and vocabulary for each chapter
Journey Across Time Foldables Workbook
For two ancient civilization textbooks, at the site, click on individual chapters under the book’s cover. Click on the cover and you’re taken to the companion website. Continue scrolling down the page, and you can download a variety of world history readers.

(For additional slideshows, videos, and other free resources, visit this World History site)
Free Middle School Readers:
Studies Weekly: The Phoenicians
Hammurabi’s Code
Discover Ancient China
Innovations From Ancient China
Terracotta Warriors
The Silk Road
From Papyrus to Paper
About Time
Rome is Burning
Alexander the Great
What Would You Be?
This series of chapter books describes the different jobs people had in ancient civilizations, with lots of nice illustrations. The following links are to online versions of the books:
What Would You Be? Ancient Egypt
What Would You Be? Ancient Rome
What Would You Be? Ancient Greece

High School Textbooks:
World History Human Legacy
Human Legacy Study Guide
World History Patterns of Interaction
Modern World History:
Chapters 1 – 4
Click here for more free world history PDF textbook resources and activities.
Are these open source textbooks? I am interested in using them in my classroom, but want to ensure I can do so legally.
These textbooks were shared online by teachers on their websites.
Hi, i am unable to access the links, hoping you can help.
Thanks for letting me know. The links are working now.