Last Updated on June 5, 2024 by TrayKay
When it comes to teaching literature, some homeschool families like to use curricula that comes complete with pre-determined reading lists, and comprehension and discussion questions. Other families like to choose their own books and corresponding literature guides for those books. But what if you want literary analysis resources with questions, activities and essay topics that can be used with any book?
Since all works of fiction share the same basic elements, you can help your kids recognize and evaluate these elements using more generic resources. Here are some that are free:
The following slide presentations and Google doc worksheets contain free resources for studying individual literary devices:
List of Literary Elements with links to videos and activities
Understanding Characterization
Take a look at this character descriptions activity which gives short descriptions of a character and questions to help identify personification, alliteration, and other elements. Answer key provided.

Additional Resources:
Glossary of Literary Terms: Provides descriptions of literary elements with examples from A Wrinkle in Time.
Literary Analysis Worksheets: Descriptions of figurative elements, with comprehension questions after each.
EReading Worksheets: Worksheets for studying elements and figurative language.
If you want to delve deeper, you can get into the various techniques writers use, such as symbolism, tone, diction and point of view. Here are several worksheets to help study these:
- Questions to consider when analyzing setting, plot, character, point of view, symbolism, and theme. 6pp.
- These worksheets provide suggestions for analyzing plot, point of view, tone, character, setting, theme, style, diction, syntax, imagery, symbolism, figurative language, irony, and quotes. 8 pp.
- Blank chart to fill in with information on various literary elements. 4 pp.
You can also study based on the type of work, for example, analyzing a play (4 pp.) or poetry (3 pp.). This generic novel study guide breaks a book into thirds, with suggested questions for the beginning, middle, and end of a book. Includes word study and activity suggestions. (4 pp.) Literature Analysis Prompts: Suggestions for examining literary elements.
Literary Analysis Resources: Infographics:
(Click into each one to see the full image)